Book Review: The Strange Alchemy of Law and Life by Justice Albie Sachs
The victims and perpetrators of human rights abuses whisper from the pages of this short book. They speak to us of their struggle to realize their own humanity and recognize the humanity of each other. For a judge The Strange Alchemy of Law and Life is an unusual book. But then Albie Sachs is an unusual judge. A member of the African National Congress and a legal adviser to it when it was still a revolutionary movement, Albie Sach’s life moves from barely surviving a state sponsored terrorist bombing, to which he lost an arm and an eye, to sitting on the Constitutional Court of South Africa. It is the kind of life that prompts reflection,…
“Crossing Over” – Harrison Ford interpreta al agente del ICE
Crossing Over “es un drama de 2009 independiente de cine estadounidense que explorar la vida de los inmigrantes ilegales que intentan” cruzar la frontera “, literal y metafóricamente para obtener un estatus legal en los Estados Unidos. La película trata de la frontera, la falsificación de documentos, el asilo y el proceso de la tarjeta verde, la aplicación de trabajo, la naturalización, la oficina de lucha contra el terrorismo y el choque de culturas. La película enfatiza los efectos deshumanizantes de los controles fronterizos en ambos aquellos que tratan de cruzar la frontera y los que participan en el contrabando humano. También se explora el cruce de fronteras culturales y…
Ocho millones de niños menores de cinco años mueren cada año por causas en gran medida prevenibles. Un billón de personas viven en extrema pobreza. Miles de personas que huyen de la guerra de la pobreza o la persecución mueren cruzando fronteras internacionales. Los países ricos continuamente fortaleciendo las leyes y medidas para impedir que la gente no cruzen esus fronteras. Cientos de miles de refugiados terminan viviendo en “campos” de refugiados como si fueran delincuentes. 67 millones de personas viven como refugiados o personas desplazadas como consecuencia de la persecución, guerra, la pobreza o por otras causas. Creyendo que los seres humanos son “extranjeros” es la causa para que sus…
Abolir étrangeté
Huit millions d’enfants sous l’âge de cinq meurent chaque année de causes en grande partie évitables. Dans certains pays 20 {c84781dca76076c2df837abb441bfc3b29951050b7a36b48c8ddc8b88155ee2c} d’enfants meurent avant qu’ils atteignent l’âge de cinq ans. Des milliers de personnes fuyant la guerre, de la pauvreté ou de persécution meurent franchissent les frontières internationales. Les pays riches renforcent continuellement des lois et mesures pour empêcher les gens de passage de leurs frontières. Des centaines de milliers sont détenus dans des prisons de migration «camps» comme s’ils étaient des criminels. 67 millions de personnes vivent comme réfugiés ou de personnes déplacées à la suite de persécution, de guerre, de la pauvreté ou d’autres causes. Un milliard de personnes…
Abolire Estraneità
Otto milioni di bambini sotto l’età di cinque muoiono ogni anno in gran parte per cause prevenibili. In alcuni paesi il 20{c84781dca76076c2df837abb441bfc3b29951050b7a36b48c8ddc8b88155ee2c} dei bambini muore prima di raggiungere i cinque anni. Migliaia di persone in fuga da guerre, persecuzioni o povertà muoiono attraversando le frontiere internazionali. Paesi ricchi continuamente rafforzano leggi e misure per prevenire che le persone attraversano le frontiere. Centinaia di migliaia sono detenuti nelle carceri di migrazione – come se fossero dei criminali. 67 milioni di persone vivono come rifugiati o sfollati interni a causa della persecuzione, guerra, povertà o altre cause. Un miliardo di persone vivono in estrema povertà. Credere che gli esseri umani sono “stranieri” rende tale profonda violazione dei…
The Crisis of Human Rights: Discrimination Against Non-Citizens
The basic idea at the heart of human rights is that all human beings are equal: equal in rights – equal in human dignity. This idea is universally accepted and believed. At the same time another idea – the idea that we are separately citizens of different countries is also a feature of the modern world – and the way it is practised has led to enormous discrimination and violation of human rights. In reality people, as a matter of law, have different fundamental rights even though we believe that all human beings are equal. In a recent paper titled “Human Rights in the Age of Migration: An Empirical Analysis of Human…
Abolire Estraneità
“Quando … le nazione …, sono state trovate, attraverso una lunga successione di età, di concorrere ne le stesse usanze e abitudini, ci sembra sorgere una presunzione, che tali usi non solo sono eminentemente utili, ma si fondano anche sui principi di giustizia. Tale è il caso per quanto riguarda la schiavitù … “Thomas Clarkson 1785 Thomas Clarkson ha vissuto in un tempo e di luogo quando la schiavitù era legale. Ha lavorato per far cessare il commercio degli schiavi. Viviamo in un tempo quando è opinione diffusa che è ‘solo’ a discriminare gli “stranieri”. Le sofferenze subite dagli esseri umani a causa della divisione della famiglia umana in cittadino e…
Australia seeks to process asylum seekers in East Timor
In a policy announcement echoing the discredited ‘Pacific solution’ of the previous Liberal Government, the new Australian government has decided to seek to detain asylum seekers in a ‘regional processing centre’ in East Timor. The new Australian policy reflects a general hardening of policies towards asylum seekers in the lead up to national elections. ABC news report ex-Amnesty International chief as saying that this policy will not work. The policy also reflects increasing practice engaged in by European nations of engaging third countries to prevent arrivals of asylum seekers and irregular migrants. A notable example is the detention in Libya of migrants seeking to reach Europe. The Global Detention Project…
Remote Control Borders: Violating Freedom of Movement
Article 13(2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that everyone has the right to leave any country. Increasingly countries are cooperating to violate this human rights by preventing aslyum seekers and others from leaving a country to seek refuge in another country. Some examples are: Egypt: which prevents Africans from leaving Egypt in attempting to enter Israel. On 11 June Reuters reported the killing of migrants on the Egyptian border, who were attempting to leave Egypt. 18 people have been killed this year so far, as compared to 19 for the whole of last year. http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LDE65A0CZ.htm Indonesia: which cooperates with Australia to prevent asylum seekers leaving Indonesia to…